R/H is a Finnish women's clothing brand founded in 2010, known for its playful Mickey and Magic designs and its iconic Bobi quilted jackets. R/H's products are designed in Helsinki and manufactured responsibly in the EU region. They are durable cornerstones of wardrobes, everyday favorite clothes that combine quality and elegance.



Loyalty is a value that gives us direction. We have worked with the same people and companies for years, with some since day one. We want to create and cherish long-lasting relationships. In order to have lasting relationships, you must be trustworthy and you must take responsibility for your actions. We want people to have good working conditions. Being together is what we strive for. We don't want to produce anything just for the sake of producing. We want to make responsible and informed choices when we decide to create a new piece of clothing or accessory in this world.


We want to stand behind our actions. This means that our products must be of high quality. We want to make long-lasting and timeless models. We have a process for choosing materials and fabrics, and we are constantly developing our collection. Responsibility and transparency are important to us. Our website, social media, images, and service must also be of high quality. Quality comes from a good team. A team that helps each other. We are all in the same boat and there is no competition between the R/H team. We want to keep R/H as a brand, to be approachable.


Everything we do comes from the desire to do it, nothing is forced. We have the freedom to make bold and recognizable designs. We have the freedom to make playful, fun, and colorful prints. We have the freedom to choose the people we work with. We take R/H seriously, yet there is humor behind everything we do. We keep things fun. That's important to us.